Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Still Cold

Spring in the Pacific Northwest exemplifies our ever-changing weather. Take a look outside now and put it into photographic memory or if you are reading this later imagine this... the Cascades in the east are engulfed by monstrous poofy clouds, looking right above are wispy grey clouds with silver linings drifting slowly across the sky with a gentle blue background.  With each passing cloud the sun flickers on and off from full power to dim.  Now close your eyes and image catching the few warm rays that fall in between the clouds, and a light breeze catching your hair and cooling your face.  Yes, folks that's this morning.

There are shower activities northwest and east of Seattle right now, with the bulk of the moisture slowly swooping near the coast that will reach us sometime between 2pm and 4pm today with rain lasting for a couple hours.  Following the cold front is cold air! That sets up for an unusually cold April night for those of you traveling in the dark and a slight chance of cool showers firing up, but for the most part dry for us in Seattle tonight.

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