Monday, July 25, 2011

Cooling Down

Yesterday at this time, 11am, Seatac was sitting at 73 degrees F and right now it's reporting 60 degrees with lightening in the distance; what a difference a day makes.  We'll be hearing squeaky shoes today if you work in an office building as the ground is wet and the rain is falling.  Here in the Udistrict the rain has been more of a sprinkle to rain the back to a sprinkle.

I haven't used this in a while.  The showers are a bit heavy and are mainly concentrated around the Central Sound this morning.

Considering how cool and cloudy we have been Seattle is still below normal for July when it comes to rain measured in the rain gauge... but that will change today; we need to cover .07 inches of rain.  Expect showers, some rumbles of thunder, and even some peeks of sun in between the clouds and showers.

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