The skies over most of Western Washington and Oregon on Thursday featured rain, Friday lots of clouds, Saturday sun, Sunday sun. Are we going for a repeat? Let's see Monday rain... check!, today clouds... check! Wednesday sun... check!? maybe and Thursday sun...nope. But, we'll see. The sun is expected to make a comeback tomorrow with a UV index of 6 which is in the high category. You know what this means Aaron, hold that membership and tan outside Northwest style.
The bite from Seatown to P-town: clouds now with more and more sunbreaks later and if you hit a sprinkle, smile because we live in the great Pacific Northwest. With the sun setting at 8:24pm for Seattle, we have a little over 12 hours of daylight left as of now. Do something productive :)
I can't wait for regular sun! I am so over this sporadic business. Plus, all the baby plants I planted today need some sunshine :)